Top Scissor Lift Rental Options in Sydney

Scissor lifts are critical for a variety of everyday functions throughout the Sydney area. These sturdy, yet mobile lifts can be used to move heavy materials and personnel. They’re relied upon in warehousing, construction, agriculture, and a variety of other industries.

Read on to learn more about the many functions scissor lifts serve in and around Sydney — and why rentals are typically preferable to ownership.

Top Scissor Lift Rental Sydney Options

Variety is the name of the game with scissor lifts, which take several forms. Different versions are suited to different purposes. Some are small and highly mobile, while larger, more rugged lifts may be intended for heavy use outdoors. Typically, scissor lifts occupy one of the following main categories:

  • Electric scissor lifts. Designed to provide maximum uptime, electric scissor lifts require minimal recharging. Additionally, they are quiet, mobile, and eco-friendly. They are ideal for smaller loads and indoor settings.
  • Engine powered scissor lifts. Although electric scissor lifts provide a variety of benefits worth considering, engine powered options are often preferable for handling large loads and difficult terrain. The platform heights on such lifts are often impressive; the LRT Series, for example, can reach a maximum of 16.15 meters.
  • Hybrid electric scissor lifts. Environmentally-friendly and heavy-duty, hybrid electric scissor lifts offer the best of both worlds. They can be used for a variety of indoor and outdoor job sites, making them uniquely versatile.

No one scissor lift is ideal for every job. While hybrid electric lifts are among the most versatile, other types of lifts may occasionally be required to handle heavier loads or to achieve greater mobility.

Benefits of Scissor Lift Rental And Hire in Sydney

High-quality, carefully-maintained scissor lift rentals can be called upon for a variety of tasks. A few of the top benefits associated with scissor lift rental and hire in Sydney include:

  • No servicing. The cost of scissor lift maintenance can add up quickly. With rentals, however, it’s possible to make the most of this equipment without dealing with the hassle or expense of keeping lifts in tip-top shape.
  • Only pay when actually using the machine. Beyond the cost of maintenance, ownership infers extra expenses you might not expect. Even storing scissor lift equipment can prove surprisingly costly. With rental services, however, you need only pay for equipment when you actually use it.
  • Access to a variety of lifts. As mentioned previously, a variety of types of scissor lifts are available for rental. Your needs could vary based on the task at hand; with a rental service, you can choose the equipment that best fits your immediate purposes, rather than attempting to use a single lift when completing jobs for which it’s ill-suited. Once you make your preferences known, your scissor lift rental company will deliver the appropriate equipment quickly so you can get the job done.

From savings to ease of access, the benefits of scissor lift rentals add up quickly. Working with the right provider is key, however. You should feel confident that your scissor lift rental company will offer prompt access to the high-quality equipment you need. Call the experts at Power Access today or contact us online to learn how you can benefit from our scissor lift rental services.